LMW Mill Network System-"SPINCONNECT"

LMW Spinconnect is a web based monitoring and control application which networks the process from Blow room to Winder.
This system captures and displays parameters like Speeds, Production Stoppages, Quality, Power etc.
Helps in close monitoring of Plant Utilization and Productivity levels.
- System is built with four modules called Production module, Energy module, Health monitoring module, Spindle monitoring and Roving Stop Motion (YBS & RSM) module
- Spin connect is equipped with unique Recipe management system which helps in streamlining and improving the Process in easiest way
- Web based system helps in connecting system anytime anywhere through Laptops,Computers,Tablets & Mobile phone
- All the previous data can be retrieved and can be used for analysis and comparisons
- Simpler connectivity of system results in easier maintenance
- Data base is like an encyclopedia of the plant which further useful in achieving better productivity with better quality at minimal production cost.
- All the older version and latest version machines of LMW can be connected
- Connectivity of the entire system can be done through LAN or WiFi
- All the variable parameters in machines can be changed from any where even through mobile phones. This helps in implementing quicker solution and also reduces the machine downtime